Monday, August 23, 2010

Chapter 11 - 20 "The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes"

Here are my thoughts on this weeks chapters.

And first things first, in response to Rachel's final question about CeeCee losing her letters from her mother.  I would just say that I kept trying to figure out a way that CeeCee could get her letters back once I realized that she was not going back and had to completely change her life.  But any of the options that I came up with put CeeCee/Eve in too much jeopardy of being discovered or found.   It was very sad.

1.  Where do you think Tim and Marty are at this point in the story?
I think that they are off in hiding somewhere just taking care of their lives.   I just kept wondering at this point if they even thought about CeeCee or had any concern for her safety and well being.  I was hoping that Tim would find a way to reach out to CeeCee and contact her in somehow.

2. What were your thoughts as CeeCee was helping Genevieve deliver her baby?
I was in total denial.   I really didn't think that she was actually delivering the baby.  I figured that Genevieve was just trying to get out of the cabin and escape.   Once I realized that she really was delivering the baby, I could only thing about CeeCee getting her to the hospital.  I thought she should just drive.  Even though she didn't know where she was, she would eventually find someone or something that could help her with Genevieve and the baby.

3. After Genevieve died, what would you have done with her baby if you had been in CeeCee's shoes?
I would have found a way to get her to a hospital or police station.  I would have left her somewhere with a note or something so she could be returned to her father.  I know CeeCee was nervous and sixteen but what she did seemed very odd to me.  She defiantly just went with the flow of life because people made the path for her instead of CeeCee making life decision for her and the baby.

4.  Why do you think CeeCee/Eve is still holding on to the hope that Tim will come for her?
CeeCee didn't believe that she was being used by Tim and Marty during this entire process.  She really believed that Tim loved and cared for her.   Since he was really all she had in life, she kept holding on to the thought that he would come for her. 

5.  How do you think Eve will establish her new identity in Virginia?
This question is really hard for me to answer because I have finished the book. So I will answer carefully.
I will say that I believed the Eve would always live in fear and be haunted by the choices she made getting involved with Tim and the kidnapping.

6.  What do you think of CeeCee/Eve now after she has gone through the kidnapping, the delivery of the baby, the escape, and the relocation?
CeeCee is just so scared and lost in life.  She can't seem to make a decision and just lets other people make decisions for her.   She needs to step on and be accountable her decisions. The one that she made in the past and start making decisions for her life going forward.


  1. I totally agree with #1!! I can't believe they would kidnap someone who is pregnant and that far along!! Crazy.

  2. I had the same answer for #3 - I think I would have fled to Naomi. But I likely would have ignored Naomi's plan and left the baby at the hospital with a note. Then worry worry worry that the baby found her way into caring hands and the family could have some peace.

    I'm not sure why she tried to leave the baby at the governor's mansion or a police car - that would have been way too risky!
